Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Years resolutions?

Anybody have one? or five? or sixty five?

I used to make new years resolutions, about a dozen every year, and I'd fail to follow through on any of them. So last year for the first time I abstained from this ritual. Thus, I had nothing to feel guilty about when I made no progress on any of my latent personal improvement goals. (As an aside, although I doubt I will ever feel that there is nothing at all about me that warrants improvement, I would like to cultivate a sense that I am good enough just the way I am, improvement is ok, but not necessary. This turns out to be a way of thinking that is far more unusual than I thought.)

What about this year?

Well, if you've read my previous blog posts, you know I am supposed to be following a monthly self-improvement plan. And you know that for the last couple months I haven't said anything at all about how that is going, which you are smart enough to realize most likely means I've fallen off the wagon.

So, I don't have a New Year's Resolution per se. I am just going to start up my monthly goals again. The first is to restart my first two goals - go to the gym regularly and bring food to work frequently.

Speaking of goals, I came across an interesting site for monitoring progress toward your goals. I might give it a try.

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