Wednesday, September 5, 2007

a few things

I have a number of posts going on in my head right now. Which is amazing because for awhile now I haven't been thinking about writing at all.

1) Does anyone else dream about missing a flight? I had my second in two weeks last night. And countless others before these. Last night, my husband and I were supposed to fly home from a visit to my parents. On our way to the airport we were supposed to meet them at Disney World (never mind that Disney World is not on the way). We purchased entrance tickets for $26 (also not realistic, unless you are living in 1992, around the time when I most often went to Disney World) and met my family for lunch somewhere in the park. Around the time that lunch is over I realize that we have to go right away. I think at this point someone told me not to worry and the next time I manage to prod my husband to get going it is 20 minutes from when our flight is scheduled to depart. Mike says, "We'll just get another flight." Very nonchalant. Whereas I am freaking out. Then there was a frantic drive to the airport with my Mom driving one car (which I am in) and my brother-in-law driving a second car (which my husband is in), They end up not following us, which is a good thing because my Mom proceeds to get completely lost, taking wrong turn after wrong turn and not paying any attention to the directions the rest of us are trying to give her. That's about when I woke up.

2) I have some plans. One is for the blog and involves a mechanism for writing more regularly and writing more structured posts. The other is more life-oriented. They will each be separate posts that I will get out this week. (Making a declaration of commitment, I hear, is helpful when trying to reach goals and form habits.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.